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Benefits of Selling a Book at Local Events

Selling books at local events such as craft fairs, gift shows, and holiday celebrations can help you make some money as it provides additional benefits. Here are several reasons, short and sweet, you might want to sell your book at these events.
  • You can sell personally autographed books on a non-returnable basis at full price
  • If you sell 50 books, each at $14.95, for example, you will take home about $750 for the day
  • You may find the networking beneficial. I know of people who made contacts at local events that led to large-quantity corporate sales and media appearances. You never know who will stop by your table so put your best foot forward with everyone who walks up.
  • Get increased exposure. Some events expect 5,000 or more attendees. And while they won’t all buy your book on the spot, your presence at an event could be one of many impressions on them that close the sale.
  • Display your books with other authors to share the costs and have a good time. Purchasing a booth or table at some events can be a little pricey. Splitting costs with other authors helps provide more to your table than your books alone and helps generate additional conversation while keeping costs low.
  • Regular sales at local events give you a rewarding sense of momentum and activity while working toward long-term, larger book sales.
  • As appropriate, you can pitch event planners to buy and use your book as a premium—an incentive to attend (“The first 500 people to attend get a free copy of … ”)
  • Some books (fiction, poetry, memoirs) are not destined for large corporate sales, but can sell well at local events.
  • Authors may also participate in the event as a speaker, generating more exposure and sales with professional speaking.

There are numerous local festivals, expos, showcases, and bazaars that offer authors excellent opportunities to sell books, network, and have an enjoyable day or two exhibiting. Here is a list of local events in the United States. Click on your state to find nearby events and ask some of your local authors to join you there.

by Brian Jud

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