Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

Interview With Radio Personality Carrie Brown – “Say It Loud” – Radio Talk Show

1. Hi Carrie! how did you originally get into radio? Why radio?
I was asked a few years ago and finally decided since we were in the pandemic what a great idea to do my Radio Show.
2. Can you tell us about your radio show?

My Radio Talk Show “Say It Loud” was created for those people who never get these opportunities in expressing what they think, feel, say or just telling others about who they are. What they do and a great way to connect people in other parts of the world.

3. Who have been your influences and inspirations in the business?

WOW! So vast it’s been so many people through the years. Being from the East Coast DJ’s Georgie Woods, Butter Ball, Louise Williams, Mrs. Rachel Williams, my sister Cindy Birdsong of the Legendary Supremes, my cousin Patti LaBelle, my Cousin Whitney Houston, Smokey Robinson, Susan De Passé, Berry Gordy, Butch Blade Ingram, Evelyn Champagne King, Betty Wright and the list goes on and on.

4. How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?
We since the pandemic it at this present time has been a blessing to them who utilizes the internet for business purposes. I believe it is an avenue to help Artists and Entertainers and so many others to continue on with their work. 
5. What is  considered a “hit record” in today’s music world?
The quality, definitely originality and something that is positive in words and lyrics.
6. Do you have any tips for independent music artists?
Yes to do you and not what others think or say in making your creativity in skills, talents, time to grow in what you want to bring across to your audience.
7. Are there any resources or even advice that have really helped you on your journey?
Unfortunately during my time it was strictly hands on. I hand no instruction manual. I learned music by playing instruments, singing and doing everything I inspired to be just by doing it.
“Say It Loud” – Radio Talk Show
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