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Michel Jonasz, French Jazz Singer-Producer, is back with a vibrant new album for the planet

Michel Jonasz (born 21 January 1947 in Drancy, France) is a French composer-songwriter, singer and actor.

His solo career began slowly with a single (“45t”) at the end of 1968 under the name of Michel Kingset, the next in 1970 under his own name. He had to wait until 1974 to find a large audience with two simultaneous hits: Dites-Moi and Super Nana.

Michel Jonasz, “Mister swing”, back with a vibrant new album for the planet

The Planet, its oceans, the sky, the moon, the clouds… always inspire a singer who has his head in the stars, but keeps his feet on earth. The Author of “the jazz box” released Friday his first album in almost nine years.

Michel Jonasz is still connected to the planet music: the author of ” La Box De Jazz ” publishes on Friday his first album in almost nine years, in the mysterious and ellipse title and in the form of a call for the planet: ” La Méouge, the rhône , the durance “.

” la méouge…” is a long poem that the musician recites on the background of electronic scrolls. “this text is to restore a link with nature, to preserve me, to preserve us”, says Michel Jonasz at the AFP.

An Artist with his head in the stars but feet on earth

” if we lose consciousness of this unity, first between human beings, then with the elements and with nature, if we lose that…!”, the singer alarm, according to that ” we do not preserve this planet enough Who welcomes us “.

“she has always been quite present at home this story, when I was a kid, I looked at the sky, I looked at the stars, fascinated by this void, this space”, says the artist.

” of course, I say it with adult words, but at the time it wasn’t as logical as that. And then the moon was told that it was very far away, that there was like a mystery, something to discover. This question, I’ve been wrong since I was a kid “.

Advocate for the planet

” even today, it’s fascinating to tell me that we’re on this ball, that blue planet that turns in space, and then we’re on it like that, and that there are stars that are billions of Light years “, he continues.

” the blue planet “, nickname given to this earth ” that welcomes us “, is the song he chose to close the album. “we are the hosts of a planet that must be learned to preserve, it is a conscience that must be embody before it is too late”, he warns.

Behind the eco-responsible jonasz, is always the tender and dreamy jonasz (” crossing the sea by swimming “), nostalgic (” we were both “) or melancholic (” the erased photo “), which we always knew .

This album, also, is that of a composition trio: Michel Jonasz with drummer manu katché and faithful accomplice Jean-Yves D ‘ Angelo on keyboards, again “United towards uni” (Title of their last album in common).

With this team, Michel Jonasz reminds that he can still, at 72 years old, “Groover” and hold the pace on fast tempo. The time of a ” baby is the crisis ” Funky, where this al jarreau made in France becomes ” Mr swing “.

The music of words

This album also reveals new colors, unusual and slightly confusing: Oriental on ” Dark and night ” or country on ” happiness knock at the door “.

The voice sometimes wobble. On “the nursing home”, a heartbreaking ode to love stronger than time that flows, it takes on of accents. No wonder for a singer who performed ” Les Vieux ” on ” these people “, a record in tribute to brel released at the beginning of the year.

With, always present, this art of the poetic formula that makes tilt: ” the sky was always blue, permanent “, he sings in ” we were both good “. or ” hang a hammock to Two clouds, that the wind can rock you ” in ” Cross the sea by swimming “.

” I am sensitive to the music of words. See, ” permanent ” how beautiful to say, ” in a blue corridor ” is pretty. There are words that flow on its own “, explains jonasz, up in his youth as much to the French song as the rock ‘ n roll and the rhythm n blues.

“I realized very quickly that the French language was beautiful, that it could lend itself to all styles and swing really”, he says.

“La Méouge, the rhône, the durance” is accompanied by a tour. Named ” groove!”, the comet will cross France in the next few months, with a passage in the sky of Paris, at the palais des sports, on April 25th.
(with relaxnews)

The planet, its oceans, the sky, the moon, the clouds… always inspire a singer who has his head in the stars, but keeps his feet on earth. The Author of ” LA Jazz Box ” releases Friday his first record in almost nine years…”

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© Photo : Didier Jallais


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