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Anyone who has ever endured heartache from a lost relationship or lover can immediately confirm that “Broken” is a remorseful ballad, even if you did not analyze the lyrics from top to bottom. “Broken” is the latest single by Italian artist LuQa, who describes it as a song with significant meaning to himself. This is simply his effective-emotional rendering.

The internationally acclaimed singer and songwriter, LuQa, is one of the many talented artists that have maintained the quality of sound in the genres of R&B and Pop music. His wistful lyrics will transport you back to the era of great music from the 80s and 90s.

In addition to his outstanding discography, his newest single has come off as true rhythm from the heart. So many times, we never get to see the vulnerability of our stars. But for a precise number of times, we have had great artists create heartbreak songs and albums. This is exactly what LuQa’s single has brought out to light. There is so much emotion living within every single lyric of his song.

With so much originality whisking all over the new single, LuQa decided to showcase a more personal and vulnerable side of his life, hoping that someone else can relate to his music. Many people go through heartache and rely only on music to heal their pain. “Broken” is a number dedicated to everyone in this situation, and trusting that you can understand – You are not alone. Every part of the song resonates from the musician’s heart with memories of a lost lover that he wished he had never left.

“This love I have will never go

Still feel I broke your heart”

Unfolding events from his personal life, “Broken” gives you the experience of a gentle and soothing piano melody alongside LuQa’s sorry-full voice haunting all over the track. Its bridge is another unanswered path filled with lamentations and questions that were never answered before. There is no doubt that many people can relate to such a feeling and would love to check out this single today. “Broken” is already out on major music streaming platforms. You should listen to this track and get drenched in the smooth sounds of LuQa’s broken heart.

About Artist: LuQa

Pre-inclined to the sounds of great artists such as; Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, LuQa is an Italian-born, multilingual and multitalented artist whose music has been characterized as heart-warming and natural. His style of music resounds with vibrato and tonality which has the richness of Lionel Richie and the inspiration of Michael Jackson.

The prodigy has practiced his smooth and intense singing style in various places of the world, throughout Europe and currently residing in Los Angeles where he writes and records all of his music. His discography consists of his popular EP dubbed “Mixed Feelings” and so many other singles that are worth checking out.

Follow LuQa on all social media and music streaming platforms for the latest in his career.



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