Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

Interview With GrandMixer GMS

Grandmixer GMS first touched the turntables  as a breakdancer at 11 years old, and in 1986 he became the 1st DJ to mix for commercial radio in Spokane,Washington – at just 14 years old. As a turntablist, GMS easily won the 1993 Inland Northwest Battle of the DJ’s and began mixing with Tobin Costen on Spokane’s then only all rap show that same year. The following year GMS began mixing for Nasty-Nes on Seattle’s KCMU Rap Attack until retiring from music in the mid-90’s.
However, GMS picked up the needles in 2020 to reunite with Nasty-Nes for KFOX Nightbeat where he can be heard mixing every Sunday night from 9-11pm on
In 2020, GMS became the 1st Spokane DJ to mix on “Sway In The Morning” – the world’s #1 Hip-Hop radio show.
GMS’ mixes consistently rank in the top 10 on Mixcloud’s Global charts – even hitting #1 on multiple charts – and after working with former Eazy E artist, Tairrie B, on her recent album, “Feminenergy,” he became her DJ/Remixer.

1)  Tell us what motivated you to get into the music business, how old and where were you?

            I was originally a breakdancer and taught myself how to mix to help with my performances, but when breaking lost popularity in Spokane, I transitioned to DJ’ing as a way to stay in Hip-Hop. I was 14 at the time but the first time I had DJ’d was when I was 11 years old. This all started in Spokane, Washington.

2)  Who are your musical influences? Who are the people that have helped me become more successful?

I was influenced by every mix and every song I heard growing up (too extensive to list) because this contributed to my musical taste and style. My biggest influences for DJ’ing would be Nasty-Nes, the late Cameron Paul, the KDAY Mixmasters, The Latin Rascals, Alex Mejia and Bob Rosenberg. People who have helped me have been Nasty-Nes, Tobin Costen, Vick Zendez, Jeff Kwan, Tairrie B, Kid Sensation, Alex Mejia and my small but trusted circle of friends, as well as the artists I mix because most have been appreciative and supportive of DJ’s.

3) You became the 1st Spokane DJ to mix on “Sway In The Morning” – the world’s #1 Hip-Hop radio show. Can you tell us about that experience?

Mixing on “Sway” was an amazing experience, but I initially didn’t know I was going to be on there. My friend, Jeff Kwan, called and asked if I wanted to be on Twitch, before he finished the question I immediately said yes without knowing what I was saying yes to. He then set up a call with Alex Mejia, someone I had talked with back in the 90’s – though I don’t think he remembered that – and Alex facilitated everything. It ultimately turned out better than I initially thought because it was to mix on the world’s #1 Hip-Hop radio show! The lesson is, if an opportunity presents itself, say yes and ask questions later.

4) Where do you see the music industry gain as a DJ in the next 5 years, and do you have any specific artist productions?

It’s important to pay attention to technology because that can change everything, like how Napster, within a short time, helped end the gold rush record companies had enjoyed for years and it changed how music is consumed and written. Considering Moore’s Law, it’s to the point where, if you think of a concept or technology, you can create it. Pay attention to people who not only have great ideas, but who work to make those ideas happen. COVID has also changed everything: it’s killed live performances and resulting revenue, but it has bred creativity. I can thus see changes in how artists monetize their work so they aren’t placed in a similar situation like now.

I’m currently working with Tairrie B on another remix and a new song. We have a great relationship so I can see working together for a while. I’ve produced a remix with Nasty-Nes for The High Children that will be released soon and there’s a very talented artist in Spokane named Mak Music whom I will be working with. I’m open to working with any serious artists who want to make good music, whether it’s remixing, scratching, production, and/or performing.

To know more about Grandmixer GMS, please visit:
GrandMixer GMS made a cameo in this video. He created a mini-remix and part of it is used during the DJ break
Tribute mix I did in honor of the recent passing of founding member of Kraftwerk, Florian Schneider:
Remix in honor of the passing of Kenny Rogers:
Classic show I did when I was on KCMU Rap Attack with West Coast Music Legend, DJ Nasty-Nes (Nes & I both did a mix):
90’s dance music mix with DJ Nasty-Nes on C89 (America’s longest running Dance Music Station):
  Tairrie B‘s new album   scratching on for her Grandmixer GMS also did two remixes that will be released at a later date and is working on another remix for her
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