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Things To Avoid When Getting Into Shape After Christmas


The holidays are a great time, there is no doubt about that. There are lots of opportunities to eat tasty food, have drinks with friends and stay on the sofa for hours on end. This indulgent time doesn’t’ come without its consequences, however. Many of us pile on the pounds over the Christmas period, which is perfectly natural, but it often means that we find ourselves looking to drop this extra weight in the New Year.

It can be difficult to motivate yourself to get back into shape, and some obstacles can stand in your way. Here are a few things to avoid when you plan to lose weight over Christmas.

Know Your Limits

The decision to get up and start moving isn’t an easy one to make, so remember to be proud that you have made this initial effort. With that said, you should still be mindful about how you get started.

Your Christmas may only consist of a few days of revelry, or it could extend over several weeks. Whatever the case, make sure to get out of the gate slowly. Overexerting yourself straight away is only going to knock your confidence. Fitness is lost very quickly, and it is important to remember this after a period of inactivity. Try to start out slow and build back up to your regular fitness level.

Also, it is important to know how to cool down properly. Learn how to stretch out the muscles that you have used to increase your recovery time. That way you are more prepared for each subsequent session, and each workout will become easier as time goes on.

Watch The Weather

While the Christmas period is a time for relaxation, it is also the season where the weather turns chilly. Many of us choose to get into shape by running or cycling around our local neighborhood, so try to take the icy temperatures into account.

Cycling with a cool breeze in your face may feel like a remedy for your rising temperature, but there is a solid link between cycling and cold-related illness. In fact, Velosurance has a great take on cycling and cold-related illnesses that you may want to check out. It is still important to wrap up warm to prevent these ailments, even when you are exercising.

Stay Away From Alcohol

There is no hard and fast rule that states that you must remain sober for the foreseeable future when you are trying to lose weight. However, you may want to stay away from January drinks before you start your workout.

Staying away from beer is a good idea in general, as it is highly calorific and can leave you feeling bloated. Other drinks such as wine and spirits may seem like a good alternative, but try to remember that alcohol has a negative impact on your coordination. Therefore, you are more likely to suffer an injury or lose progress if you decide to have a sip too soon before a workout. It is hard to stay away from the drinks when catching up with friends, so try to keep in mind the outcome you are trying to achieve when temptation strikes.

Avoid Sugary Snacks

Many of us give and receive chocolate over the festive period. Almost everyone likes a sweet treat and it comes in a range of varieties, which makes it the perfect gift. Therefore, you are likely to have a surplus of sugary snacks in the cupboard after Christmas.

While sugary sweets and chocolate can provide you with a quick energy boost, it is only temporary. It is important to stick to foods that release energy slowly, such as fruits and proteins, when working out. This sentiment also goes for caffeine too. The quick hit of energy might perk you up enough to get going, but you will soon start to flag as you properly get into your workout. There is nothing inherently wrong with indulging in these foods from time to time, but try to remember that everything is best consumed in moderation.

Don’t Give Up

Losing those few extra pounds gained over Christmas is a good goal to start off with, but why stop there. It is important to stay fit and healthy throughout the year, so why stop your regular workout regime once you have dropped that initial weight. Obviously, you will have to change up your routine to focus on fitness instead of weight loss. However, you will be much better prepared for next year if you keep your regime going all year round.


Of course, there is no one way to lose weight that fits everyone. Some of us will need a small diet change while others will want to get out there and exercise. Try to remember these tips so that you don’t start out on the wrong foot and things should go smoothly for you.

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