Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

Interview With Songwriter ANNIE BRANNON

  1. What do you like the most about songwriting, specifically?

I love songwriting specifically because i love my ideas coming to life, simple, because loman craig makes it easy to do so. He is a very talented man. so people can relate from a simple idea and ideas are like  babies giving them the upmost care and attention.


  1. When you’re writing your ideas down, are you doing it with the goal of writing a song, or just to be creative?
    When I am writing its generally coming from “my old song”, I have heard this time and time again. I’m writing and my only intention its doing it with the goal of writing a beautiful song


  1. What kind, or whose, style do you feel you resemble the most?
    A lot of people have made comments about my style of writing is “old school”. but that’s great because they are listening and that’s wonderful that they do.


  1. What advice would you give to someone who wants to become a songwriter?
    The best advice to give someone who wants to write is never let anyone discourage you for anything you love doing


  1. What are your best songwriting tips for aspiring writers?

Do it with pride

Do it with heart

And do it with love because your that is a person window to their soul


  1. When did you feel like you really “made it” as a musician or a songwriter?

My first song, ‘”Passin by”.

I write this particular one was written at my fathers graveside


  1. What song of mr loman craig was the easiest and the hardest to write?

the hardest song to write of loman Craigs was ‘west Virginia rose’ this one was written for the love of my love Rodney Patrick, aka smoke. he past away November 17,2019. he really enjoyed my m

the easiest song, by far was born country. one of my favorites really gods love


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