Guest Post Submission and Advertising Opportunities with Pump It Up Magazine

Welcome to Pump It Up Magazine!  Our magazine encompasses a wide range of engaging topics, including entertainment, lifestyle, wellness, humanitarian awareness, and the vibrant music industry. To streamline the submission process, we have provided comprehensive guidelines for guest posting. Additionally, we offer diverse advertising options that can elevate your brand’s visibility and engagement within our vibrant community.

What is a Guest Post?

Guest posts: Top Tips (

A guest post is an article or blog entry written by someone who is not a regular contributor or staff writer for a website or publication. The writer, often an expert or influencer in a specific field, provides content to another entity’s blog or website. This practice is common in content marketing, blogging, and within media publications. Here are some key benefits of guest posting:

  1. Exposure and Reach: Guest posts allow the writer to reach a new audience. By contributing to websites that already have a loyal readership, the writer can introduce themselves and their expertise to potential new followers or customers.
  2. Authority and Credibility: Writing for reputable sites helps authors build authority in their field. It demonstrates their knowledge and expertise, enhancing their reputation among peers and readers.
  3. SEO Benefits: Guest posting can significantly benefit search engine optimization (SEO). By including backlinks to the author’s website within the guest post, they can improve their site’s search engine ranking, increasing organic traffic.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Regular guest posting helps build relationships with other bloggers and editors, which can be beneficial for future collaborations, partnerships, or even referrals.
  5. Increased Brand Awareness: For businesses, guest posts are an opportunity to subtly market their brand, products, or services to a broader audience, increasing brand visibility and recognition.
  6. Social Media Growth: Guest posts often include the author’s social media handles or links to their profiles, which can help increase their social media following and engagement.
  7. Portfolio Diversification: For writers, having articles on various platforms can diversify their portfolio, showcasing their ability to write for different audiences and about diverse topics.

Guest Posting Guidelines:

  1. Content Relevance: At Pump It Up Magazine, we seek guest articles that align with the entertainment, lifestyle, wellness industry, reflecting the core themes embraced by our publication.
  2. Originality and Quality: We highly value unique and well-crafted pieces that have not been previously published. Our emphasis is on high-quality content that captivates and informs our readers.
  3. Word Count and Formatting: Aim for article lengths ranging between 800 to 1500 words, ensuring a reader-friendly experience with clear headings, subheadings, and well-structured paragraphs.
  4. Visual Appeal: To enhance the impact of your article, incorporate high-resolution images with appropriate credits, complementing your written content. Additionally, an eye-catching banner with dimensions of 1200*600 will further captivate our audience.
  5. Guest Posting Advice: Familiarize yourself with our website’s content to align your submission effectively. Offer unique insights and adopt an engaging writing style to captivate our readers. While backlinks to your site are permissible, avoid excessive self-promotion.

Charges for Guest Posts:

For detailed pricing information and potential charges associated with guest posts. We offer a variety of options to suit different preferences and budgets.

  1. Niche: Certain niches command higher fees due to their competitive nature or specialized audience. For instance, niches like finance, technology, health, and legal often higher rates because the audience is more valuable and harder to reach, and the content requires more expert knowledge.
  2. Sponsored vs. Non-Sponsored:
    • Sponsored Posts: These are explicitly paid placements where the content is often promotional. They are typically more expensive because they include marketing for a product or service and must disclose the nature of the sponsorship to readers. This transparency is required to comply with advertising standards in many regions.
    • Non-Sponsored Posts: These might be more editorial in nature, intended to provide value through insights, analysis, or entertainment without overt commercial intent. They usually cost less than sponsored posts because they are less promotional.
  3. Length of the Article: Generally, the longer the post, the higher the fee. A standard guest post might range from 1000 to 1500 words, but extensive articles featuring detailed analysis or comprehensive guides can significantly exceed this, thus increasing the cost.
  4. Link Insertion:
    • Number of Links: More links within the post typically increase the price, especially if these links point back to the author’s or advertiser’s website. Each link adds value to the poster by potentially improving their SEO and directing traffic to chosen pages.
    • Type of Links: The type of link (e.g., do-follow vs. no-follow) also affects pricing. Do-follow links, which pass on SEO benefits of the host site to the linked site, are more valuable and hence more costly compared to no-follow links, which do not pass on SEO benefits.
  5. Bulk Orders: We offer discounts for bulk orders. If you plan to submit multiple posts over a set period, we can provide a reduced rate per post. This is beneficial for those looking to maintain a consistent presence on our site or across multiple sites, enhancing long-term SEO and brand exposure. Bulk discounts incentivize regular submissions, making it a cost-effective strategy for continuous engagement and visibility.

Review Process:

To ensure a seamless review process, kindly email your post to, copying Mrs. Anissa Sutton at Anissa will expertly coordinate the review with our dedicated editorial team.

Advertising Opportunities:

In addition to guest articles, we present a spectrum of advertising avenues to elevate your brand’s presence within the entertainment, lifestyle, wellness, humanitarian awareness, and music industry domains:

  1. Banner Ads: Maximize your brand exposure with strategically placed, eye-catching banners designed by our skilled team to seamlessly integrate with our website.
  2. Sponsored Content: Showcase your brand discreetly through sponsored articles, thoughtfully tailored to align with our readers’ interests and crafted by our talented writers.
  3. Newsletter Features: Reach our engaged subscribers with personalized content and visuals, effectively driving traffic to your website or products.
  4. Social Media Promotion: Leverage our active social media presence to expand your reach, attract followers, and potential customers.
  5. Exclusive Interviews and Features: Highlight your brand as an industry leader through exclusive interviews and features in our magazine.
  6. Event Promotion: Partner with us to promote your events and attract a relevant and engaged audience.
  7. Video Advertising: Captivate our audience with compelling video advertisements that effectively convey your brand message.
  8. Podcast Sponsorship: Reach a dedicated and growing audience by sponsoring our popular podcasts.
  9. Radio Promotion: KPIU RADIO – The West coast Wave – Reach a new audience with Pump it up magazine official radio station

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Additional Advertising Opportunities:

Reviews, Press Releases, and Interviews

To further enhance your brand’s reach and impact, we offer additional advertising services:

  1. Reviews: Harness the power of expert reviews to create buzz and credibility around your products, events, or services. Honest and insightful feedback from our seasoned reviewers can help potential customers make informed decisions.
  2. Press Releases: Gain widespread exposure and attention for your brand with professionally crafted press releases. Our team will help you tell your story in a compelling manner, ensuring your news reaches our extensive network of readers and beyond.
  3. Interviews: Feature prominently in exclusive interviews with Pump It Up Magazine. Our skilled interviewers will highlight your achievements, unique offerings, and contributions to the entertainment and music industry, providing you with an unparalleled platform to connect with our audience.

🌟 Your One-Stop Solution for Creative Promotion brings you unparalleled expertise in advertising, publishing and marketing, photography, social media marketing tools, and overall creative branding. Whether you’re a musician, artist, or business owner, has the tools and know-how to promote your band, brand, or business to new heights!

Discover a World of Possibilities with Pump It Up Magazine and

🔹 Complete Branding Solutions: Our combined expertise offers you a complete branding solution that perfectly reflects your vision and values.

🔹 Expert Consultancy: Benefit from personalized consultancy services to elevate your project and make it shine!

🔹 Business Promotion: Let assist you in promoting your business with creative flair.

🔹 Amplify Your Reach: Reach a wider audience and attract new fans, customers, and opportunities.

🔹 Marketing Mastery: Leverage’s music marketing prowess to make your band, brand or business heard and celebrated.

🔹 Creative Photography: Showcase your talent with captivating photography that grabs attention.


🌟 Your Success is Our Priority! 🌟 Together, Pump It Up Magazine and are committed to providing you with the tools, expertise, and opportunities you need to achieve success. Whether you’re an artist, musician, entrepreneur, or creative visionary, our partnership is dedicated to helping you make a lasting impact in the industry. 🎶🎭

Ready to shine with Pump It Up Magazine and 🌟 Click the link below to explore our Guest Post Submission and Thrilling Advertising Opportunities now! 👇

Customized Advertising Solutions:

At Pump It Up Magazine, we understand that every brand is unique. Therefore, we offer tailor-made advertising solutions to accommodate your specific needs and objectives.

For comprehensive details, pricing, and available slots, please contact our advertising team at We eagerly anticipate discussing how our platform can help you establish a strong presence within our community.


We anticipate your valuable contributions as guest writers and welcome your brand’s growth through our diverse advertising opportunities. Together, let’s engage our enthusiastic and engaged readers, fostering a thriving partnership with Pump It Up Magazine!

P.S. Don’t forget to explore our VIP newsletter sign-up to receive exclusive benefits and stay connected with our vibrant community

About Pump It Up Magazine 3122 Articles
Music | Movie | Fashion | Beauty | Fitness | Wellness | Books | Food | Travel & Events | Real Estates | Humanitarian Awareness Magazine based in Los Angeles California Reach for the stars while standing on earth! Pump It Up Magazine is the L.A. colorful, inspiring and vibrant print and online Entertainment, Lifestyle and Awareness magazine founded by Anissa Sutton, showcasing dynamic up-and-coming talent and top tips from around the globe!