Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

5 Healthier Food Swaps to Try

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Ditch Refined Sugars

It is never too late to change your diet and start introducing some healthier swaps. With more and more companies jumping on board offering healthier options when you dine in or shop with them, it has never been easier to ditch the junk food and make some healthy changes to your diet.

Not all sugars are bad, but refined sugars are. Not only can they lead to weight gain when overly consumed, but they can impact your all-around health and energy levels too. With an increased risk of diabetes, obesity, some cancers, and heart disease, swapping refined sugar for natural sugars found in fruits and food such as honey and stevia can better your long-term health. Consider incorporating food wraps into your healthy lifestyle choices, providing a convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional packaging for your meals. These reusable wraps, often made from sustainable materials, not only contribute to reducing environmental impact but also offer a practical solution for those aiming to adopt healthier eating habits. 

Not a fan of eating fruits? Then there are many smoothie locations where you can indulge in a healthier alternative to sugary drinks when out and about and still get your health benefits from the extra fruit in your diet.

Stop Sipping Soda

flavored soda drinks can be loaded with refined sugars and additives that aren’t great for your body when consumed in high quantities. Swap out your fizzy soda drinks for water or low-calorie drinks. Even better, flavor your own water by adding fruit such as lemons and limes or berries for some added flavor.

Choose no added sugar options that can allow you to reduce your calorie intake from liquids and be a healthier option when it comes out hydrating your body. C 

Nutty for Nuts

Nuts and seeds are great for snack foods and much healthier for you than sugar, calorie-loaded treats. This is, of course, if you aren’t allergic. Keep an eye on your portion sizes to avoid eating too many, but swapping out even one snack per day with healthier nuts and seeds can greatly benefit your diet and your health. Pistachios are a lower-calorie alternative, plus the shelling action means it will take you longer to eat the same portion size as, say, walnuts!

Boiled Not Fried

Nothing beats a good serving of fried eggs for breakfast, but frying food can add extra calories to your food. Instead, choose to have boiled eggs over fried eggs, and you can be saving yourself many calories from this one small swap and investing in your health by removing extra fats from your diet.

Buns Are Out

Do you love sandwiches or burgers or pretty much anything in a bun? Ditch the bun. Simple! Utilize different foods such as lettuce to create a bun or a wrap instead of bread. This allows you to keep all of the fillings but remove some of the calories and carbs from your meal by ditching the bread.

Alternatively, you can go topless instead. Even removing part of the bun can reduce calories in your meal and still be just as delicious to eat. All by removing the top!

These are just 5 ways you can make easy yet healthier changes to your diet without giving up any foods you love, just swapping them for healthier alternatives.


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