Social media is a big monster today. It’s a very large ocean with uncountable content, news and information. There is no doubt that it’s very hard to stand out from the crowd when you just act “normally”. Boosting your brand awareness and your engagements requires time to think, great planning and of course the knowledge of the social media interesting facts in 2022.
Download your guide and learn about the best times to post on social media in 2022.
For sure it takes a little time to see the desired results but the knowledge of the social media facts and having the appropriate tools create your armour that you need to get in attack just in time.
Why Is Social Media Marketing Important For Your Small Biz?
Social media has a lot of impact on our daily lives. The way that we interact with our loved ones, and even with our customers. When we are asked about the things that are growing exponentially around us, there is no denying that most of us will point social media. It is absolutely everywhere. It’s a huge ocean that you need to pass. With the facts about social media that we are going to explain in this article, you will hopefully learn how to sail and reach the closest coast to build your brand’s legacy on social media.
Another important question that you need to answer is if it is worth investing in social media for your business. Should you focus on a social media marketing strategy in 2022? The answer could be found after a careful analysis of the behaviour and the preferred channels of your customers. But in our opinion, social media should not be ignored in any way.
There are many popular social media platforms, which have their own potential, their own audiences and their own dynamics. If you manage to analyze all of these separately and in the light of the social media interesting facts, you will absolutely be successful.
Undoubtedly, it can be very hard for small businesses to keep track of the social media statistics while they have many other tasks related with the growth of the business. Nonetheless, there are good social media resources like Socialbakers, which also list the stats around each and every social media platform.
In addition to social media stats and metrics, there are of course some important metrics for eCommerce which are also important for your brand. You can read our related post on these metrics from here.
Today we are going to look at the top social media interesting facts for 2022, and how they can help shape your year ahead. We have created this guide because we believe that it will be a great idea to share a list including the most important social media facts to make things easier for your business. Among the large number of these facts about social media, there are some that stand out. With these facts under just one click, you will always have the chance to enhance your social media operations.
How Many People Use Social Media?
If one day, just out of your own curiosity, you decide to measure the social media addiction in this fast changing digital world, just walk down a street and observe the people you are crossing by. Probably some of them will be checking their Facebook feed, posting a picture or a story on Instagram, tweeting about their last experience of something on Twitter or pinning their desired locations on Pinterest.
Yes, this is what you are going to see. We all are a part of this. We are checking our phones before going to sleep, and even in the morning before jumping out of our beds.
Shopify Statistics based on 2023 data
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There are mind-blowing facts about social media which will make you better understand the huge dynamic behind this social phenomena.
Worldwide population is 7.7billion and the internet has 4.4billion users. WOW! And this number is growing day by day. One of the mind-blowing facts about social media is that; there are nearly 3.5billion active social media users, and every 6.4 seconds a new account has been created. Every user has an average of 7.6 social media accounts. They spend around 142 minutes on social media every single day.
Every user has an average 7.6 social media accounts. They spend around 142 minutes on social media every single day. – Tweet This!
Wide range of time in which you can target them, right?
We believe that these numbers enable us to tell that social media has a measurable result in sales, lead generation and creating a great brand awareness. Your ROI could be great with a chance to reach a very large audience.
Let’s move on and have a look at the most interesting facts about social media in 2022!
Social Media Interesting Facts On Facebook
Facebook, is the world’s third most viewed website after Google and Youtube. Is that not enough to understand the power of it? No worries, below there are some social media interesting facts about social media giant Facebook that will change your mind.
Social Media Usage Facts On Facebook
- Facts about Facebook #1: One of the most interesting social media usage facts on Facebook is that; the platform has 2.7billion active monthy users worldwide.
- Facts about Facebook #2: Facebook has around 500.000 new users every single day, which is translated into 6 new profiles every second!
- Facts about Facebook #3: 74% percent of Facebook users check their accounts every day!
- Facts about Facebook #4: 300 million of pictures are uploaded every day.
- Facts about Facebook #5: Users spend approximately 59minutes daily.
- Facts about Facebook #6: Every month almost 1.5million users participate in Facebook Groups.
- Facts about Facebook #7: 96% of monthly users access Facebook through mobile.
- Facts about Facebook #8: 500 million of Facebook stories are posted every day.
Interesting Facts About Social Media Giant Facebook
- Facts about Facebook #9: It is the leading social media platform, reaching approximately 60,6% of internet users.
- Facts about Facebook #10: Facebook accounts for 21% of all social media referral traffic!
- Facts about Facebook #11: Facebook drives 23% of all traffic across the entire internet.
- Facts about Facebook #12: 65% of all Facebook users are under the age of 35.
- Facts about Facebook #13: Like & Share buttons are viewed in almost 10 million websites every day.
Social Media Marketing Facts On Facebook
- Facts about Facebook #14: Great place for video marketing. Over 100 million hours of content is viewed every day.
- Facts about Facebook #15: Mobile optimized Facebook videos increase brand awareness by 67%
- Facts about Facebook #16: 80billion small businesses use Facebook Pages.
- Facts about Facebook #17: 77% of retail companies has acquired a large number of customers from Facebook.
We can easily say that your audience is absolutely using Facebook and your competitors, too. It’s important for you to plan your Facebook strategies in the light of the social media facts mentioned above.
If you are wondering about the best times to post on Facebook, check our great guide now!
Social Media Interesting Facts On Instagram
Instagram is every start-up’s dream. It has grown exclusively over the past years and it continues to grow every single moment. From a photo sharing app of vacationers, now it’s a huge platform which appeals to every single influencer, advertiser and to all of the brands.
Even during our daily lives, we have started thinking if the particular moments that we experience are worth sharing on Instagram.
Let’s jump to some great social media interesting facts on Instagram!
Download your guide and learn the best times to post on social media in 2022.
Social Media Usage Facts On Instagram
- Intagram Facts #1: One of the surprising social media usage facts on Instagram is that; the platform has 1billion active monthy users worldwide. More than 500million of these use the platform daily.
- Intagram Facts #2: Nearly 1.7billion accounts use Instagram Stories every day. As for the users, 500million of them use Instagram Stories every day.
- Intagram Facts #3: 95million photos are uploaded to Instagram daily.
- Intagram Facts #4: More than 40billion photos have been shared so far.
- Intagram Facts #5: The average user spends 53minutes on the app on a daily base.
Interesting Facts About Social Media Giant Instagram
- Intagram Facts #6: 71% of Instagram users are millennials.
- Intagram Facts #7: Instagram is the second most popular social media platform after Facebook.
Social Media Marketing Facts On Instagram
- Intagram Facts #8: 71% of US businesses use Instagram.
- Intagram Facts #9: 15% – 25% of the users swipe up when there is a link at the Instagram Story.
- Intagram Facts #10: 59% of businesses link Instagram Stories to shopping pages.
- Intagram Facts #11: There is a chance to create shoppable posts.
- Intagram Facts #12: 83% of users claim that they discover new products with the help of Instagram.
- Intagram Facts #13: Nearly 80% of the users make their purchase decision with the help of Instagram.
- Intagram Facts #14: 50% of users follow at least one brand. So, be sure that this is yours. 🙂
- Intagram Facts #15: The interaction rate of Instagram is 2.2% – which is higher than any other platform.
Yeah! As you can see Instagram is a great and powerful marketing tool for any businesses that want to reach and interact with a very large and active audience. We wish these social media interesting facts on Instagram will help you to plan your next social media marketing strategy more carefully.
Social Media Interesting Facts On YouTube
If the Internet was a planet with very strange countries, YouTube would probably be one the most populated and popular ones. Of course, Facebook and Instagram are popular for video content but YouTube is absolutely very far ahead. We have to mention that it is the second most visited website just after Google.
So, let’s analyze social media interesting facts on YouTube!
Social Media Usage Facts On YouTube
- Youtube Facts #1: One of the shocking social media usage facts on YouTube is that; nearly 2 billion users visit YouTube every single day.
- Youtube Facts #2: 60% of people prefer to watch online video platforms like YouTube.
- Youtube Facts #3: One of the mind-blowing facts about social media YouTube is that, more than 500 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every single minute!
- Youtube Facts #4: Approximately 1billion hours of video content is viewed every single day.
Interesting Facts About Social Media Giant YouTube
- Youtube Facts #5: It is available in over 90 countries supporting 80 languages which covers approximately 95% of the Internet population.
- Youtube Facts #6: 70% of the views are from mobile devices.
- Youtube Facts #7: Nearly 60% of YouTube users is male.
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Social Media Marketing Facts On YouTube
- Youtube Facts #8 : Almost 95% of the teens in the US loves YouTube. This could be a great audience for many brands.
- Youtube Facts #9: People have watched over 50.000 years of product videos.
It is very clear that YouTube has the power when it comes to video content. So, video may be crucial during your next social media marketing plan.
Social Media Interesting Facts On Twitter
Twitter is absolutely a large social media platform to make an impression on potential customers.
Let’s move on with our list of social media facts for Twitter. These – we believe – will help you easily make your strategic decisions.
Social Media Usage Facts On Twitter
- Facts About Twitter #1: When we compare with the other platforms, social media usage facts on Twitter come as a surprise because Twitter only has 335 million active users.
- Facts About Twitter #2: 80% of these users are outside of the United States.
- Facts About Twitter #3: 73% of Twitter users also use Instagram.
- Facts About Twitter #4: There are 1.3billion Twitter accounts.
- Facts About Twitter #5: 500 million Internet users visit Twitter without logging in.
- Facts About Twitter #6: 500 million of tweets are sent every day which is translated into 5,787 tweets every second.
- Facts About Twitter #7: 46% of Twitter users, use the app every day.
Interesting Facts About Social Media Giant Twitter
- Facts About Twitter #8: Tweets with images can receive approximately 160% more retweets than those without.
- Facts About Twitter #9: People are 31% more likely to remember something they have seen on Twitter.
Social Media Marketing Facts On Twitter
- Facts About Twitter #10: 85% of small and medium sized businesses offer customer service over Twitter.
- Facts About Twitter #11: Almost 80% of the users feel more positive and trustful about a business when their tweet is replied.
Twitter has a large potential for brands to reach their target audience as its user base is growing day by day. Make sure to have these social media interesting facts on Twitter in mind before planning any marketing strategy.
Social Media Interesting Facts On Pinterest
The users of Pinterest are very comfortable to say that their time during the use of the platform is well-spent. Pinterest is a platform where users reconnect with themselves and their ideal future self. And the platform offers everything you need to buy to become that ideal self.
Let’s jump into the social media facts about Pinterest, to figure out if it is a right platform for you.
Social Media Usage Facts On Pinterest
- Pinterest Facts #1: Pinterest has 291 million monthly active users.
- Pinterest Facts #2: The average time spent on the platform is 14.2 minutes per day.
- Pinterest Facts #3: 80% of Pinterest users are on mobile.
Interesting Facts About Social Media Giant Pinterest
- Pinterest Facts #4: The platform has 146million fashion boards. Yeah!
- Pinterest Facts #5: Almost 50% percent of the new sign ups in 2018 were men.
- Pinterest Facts #6: 83% of women on Pinterest use the platform for their plans.
- Pinterest Facts #7: One in two millennials use Pinterest every month.
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Social Media Marketing Facts On Pinterest
- Pinterest Facts #8: At least 50% of the users admitted that they purchased items from the promoted pins.
- Pinterest Facts #9: 70% of Pinterest users use it to find the perfect product.
- Pinterest Facts #10: 25% of the referral traffic that goes to retail websites come from Pinterest.
- Pinterest Facts #11: Nearly 80% of users utilize Pinterest to support a brand.
- Pinterest Facts #12: Businesses claim that they get 2$ on every 1$ spent.
We can easily say that users of Pinterest could be converted to shoppers very easily as a large percentage of users are searching for the perfect products to reach their ideal future self.
Positive Facts About Social Media
Social networking is a great part of our daily lives which could not be ignored. There is no doubt that social media makes lots of things easier for us as individuals, and also your brand.
- Social media is a great way to enhance your connectivity.
It is effortless to connect with your desired customers. You are just a click away to reach an incredible number of potential customers.
- Social media advertising is more affordable than the traditional advertising methods.
- You can reach all the age groups and demographics via social media.
- Social media users are active and this promotes two-way communication.
- You have the chance to share many things about your business among various platforms.
Negative Social Media Facts
Everything has its positive and negative sides – social media is no exception. You can also call them social media danger facts when it comes to your business. Sometimes these perrils are so effective that they can harm your business.
Let’s check these out to know in which situations you need to be more careful:
- Your employees reflect the image of your company
You have to make it clear for your employees that they can’t discuss company matters on social media. It’s very hard to monitor their social media activities so a little mistake can harm your business seriously.
- Not controlling your content
Users of social media can massively interact with one of your recent posts. This is great for the engagement of your brand but can also harm your company if there is a negative engagement, like a negative comment. If you want to avoid this, you have to constantly check your posts.
- Social media reduced face-to-face communication
In the business environment, communication plays a critical role. It is very easy for professionals to communicate with each other and with their customers via online channels. But this harms physical communication. This could lead to a declined employee motivation among your team and this could affect your brand’s outcomes. To deal with this, many companies organize meet-ups for their employees and their customers.
Organizing meet-ups between employees and customers, could be a great idea to increase their loyalty. – Tweet This!
- Negative customer reviews posted on social media
Social media is an easy way for your customers to post their complaints about your products. This could harm your brand very badly. To overcome this problem, you need to follow this up very closely, and respond quickly to any complaint with a solution.
Social Media Trivia 2022
When talking about the social media facts, we should not miss the fun part of the numbers! There are some trivial facts about social media worth mentioning.
Social Media Trivia 2022 #1:
The most liked post on Instagram is a photo of an egg with 54.2 mio likes.
Social Media Trivia 2022 #2:
More than half (59.1%) of Gen Z and Millennials are “very aware” of “fake news” surrounding COVID-19 and can often spot it according to a survey by WHO.
Social Media Trivia 2022 #3:
Influencer marketing is now bigger than print advertising.
Social Media Trivia 2022 #4:
439 million pins are saved each year for Valentine’s Day and 183 million pins are saved each year during New Year’s.
Social Media Trivia 2022 #5:
Walmart is getting a market equivalent of 1000% higher ROI through social media ads than traditional ad campaigns.
Social Media Facts 2022
Along with the social media giants Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and Pinterest, social media is seeing an unprecedented growth in 2022 mainly via fairly new platforms. To name a few, Signal, TikTok and Clubhouse are changing the way people interact with each other on social media. Let’s talk about a few interesting social media stats on these 3 platforms.
Social Media Facts 2022 on Clubhouse
- Clubhouse has 10 million weekly active users, up from 600,000 in December 2020.
Clubhouse has seen tremendous growth in the last 10 months. Here is the representation of the number of weekly active Clubhouse users from April 2020 to February 2021(in 1,000s):
Social Media Facts 2022 on TikTok
- TikTok has 689 million monthly users internationally.
- The TikTok app has been downloaded over 2Billion times on the App Store and Google Play.
Social Media Facts 2022 on Signal
- Signal had about 20 million monthly active users globally at the end of December 2020.
- The app was downloaded more than 7.5 million times between January 6 and January 10.
- 7.5 million users were added on Signal in the second week of January, 43 times more than the previous week.
Social Media Interesting Facts: The Final Words
We have summarized social media interesting facts in 2022 so that we can help you to understand social media better. These findings will hopefully help you to decide for the best channel when you are planning your next strategy.
Is any of your favourite social media facts missed here? No worries!
22 FEB2022 SONER ALEMDAR Perzonalization, Social Media