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Travel Tips: Let’s Plan The Perfect Beach Vacation

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Are you interested in going on a beach vacation? Beach vacations can be a great choice regardless of whether you are interested in relaxing or having fun in the water. You just need to make sure that you are planning everything the right way. Here are some of the key points that you need to consider. 

Choose A Location 

When it comes to planning your next beach vacation you need to think about where you want to go. There are countless destinations to choose from and you may have a bucket list of places that you want to visit in your lifetime. If you are not sure where to go then you may want to research the best beaches around the world to visit. Alternatively, if you can’t decide where to go then you could put some names into a hat and pull one out at random. 

When you are choosing your location it is important you think about everyone in your party and if it’s suitable for them. For instance, if you have young children then you won’t want to go to a dangerous location such as Cuba or Mexico for example. 

One of the best options for a beach vacation would be Greece. Greece has countless tropical islands that are well worth exploring for a picture perfect beach vacation. There are also islands suitable for every type of holiday regardless of whether you want to relax or hit the clubs in between your trips to the beach. 


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Alternatively, you could also think about going somewhere like Hawaii. While this can be a long trip depending on where you are in the world, Hawaii promises gorgeous sands and breathtaking scenery. This is also a fantastic place to visit if you want to explore aqua activities such as snorkeling. You can even get your diving qualifications here. Diving is something which seems impossible to do at first but after a few lessons, you’ll soon have a solid grasp of the basic skills that you need. 

Of course, there are also luxurious locations for a beach vacation. For instance, you could think about going to Bali. Bali is popular whether you are planning your honeymoon, a romantic retreat, or a trip away from the stresses of urban life. It’s quite expensive but it’s well worth it, as you’ll discover if you book a trip here yourself. 

Discover The Best Beaches

You never know where the best hidden beaches are going to be located. The greatest thing about going on a beach vacation is wandering around finding hidden gems where you can sun yourself. If you take a look in various holiday brochures or travel guides then you can find information about where to find the best beaches in your chosen destination. For example, if you are heading over to Zakynthos in Greece then you must take a trip to Navagio Beach. This is famous for its golden sands, beautiful blue sea, and the shipwreck that must be seen. 

Exploring turquoise waters and the wonders within would be quite the experience. However, keep your safety in mind by keeping a life jacket nearby.

If you are venturing to a place you have never been before then you could also ask the local residents about the best places to visit. When you go abroad be sure to check if that particular destination has any blue flag beaches. These are classed as some of the finest beaches that you will ever find. 

Think About Transportation 

Next, you should think about exploring transportation for your beach vacation. If you are staying close enough to the beach, then you don’t need to worry about this too much. You can walk from where you are staying. If you are driving, then make sure that you do check where parking is available near the beach. If you arrive early then you won’t have to worry about fighting for space. It’s quite tricky to find one if you are visiting a popular beach in the middle of summer. Some hotels provide shuttles to popular locations like the best beaches. This is an option worth considering if you don’t fancy the stress of parking your car before you get to relax on the sand. 

Get Sunscreen 

It’s worth making sure that you get the right sunscreen to take with you to the beach. Sunscreen will ensure that you don’t have to worry about issues with sunburn or risk a future issue with skin cancer. When you are exploring different sunscreens, you just need to check the SPF rating. A higher rating is best if you burn easily.

Choose The Right Clothing 

Do make sure that you are choosing the right clothing for a beach vacation. Once you have chosen your bathing costume, you should think about what you’re going to wear over it or while you’re wandering across the beach. You don’t want to always be in your bathing costume. Particularly, if you fancy going on a stroll into the nearest town. You can get plus size women’s clothing online. This is useful if you want to ensure that you don’t have clothes that cling to you on a hot summer’s day. 

Select The Best Shoes

When the time comes to head off exploring while on your next vacation then you need to have the right shoes. You don’t want to be walking along a cobbly beach in flip flops as your feet will hurt by the end of it. You can buy shoes that have been designed for this exact reason, you can even swim in then. Run into the sea on a hot day with your swim shoes and you won’t have to worry about cutting your feet on any sharp rocks or coral. You never know what is under your feet in the deep, dark depths of the sea. 

Don’t Fall Asleep 

Next, you need to make sure that you don’t fall asleep while you’re at the beach. While it’s tempting to just let yourself drift away while you’re on golden sands, this isn’t the best idea. Indeed, it’s one of the easiest ways to wake up with sunburn. Particularly, if you are using oil or similar products to ensure that you are able to get the best tan. If you do feel yourself drifting off, then you should think about taking a quick dip in the water. This will soon wake you up. 

Fun And Games 

You might also want to think about the fun and games that you can explore when you are at the beach. There are lots of different choices to consider here. For instance, you might want to try your luck at surfing. This will be an option if you decide to head over to a surfing beach. Surfing beaches mean big waves and great swells to explore. They’re different from your typical swimming beach. Some beaches also have volleyball equipment and other fun options to explore. It just depends on whether you want to relax or remain active when you’re on golden sands. 

Relaxing Choices 

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It’s possible that you are planning a beach vacation because you want to relax. If that’s the case, then we recommend that you do take your phone with a few of your favorite tunes. Do be aware that there’s no guarantee that you’ll get an internet connection at the beach. As such, it’s best to make sure that you download them instead of relying on something like Spotify. You might also want to think about investing in a great pair of noise canceling earphones. This will mean that you can easily completely forget about everything that is happening around you on the beach. There are noise canceling headphones available at a wide range of different budgets. As such, you can always find a pair that are going to match your general needs. 

Check The Weather 


Do make sure that you check the weather before you head to the beach. You don’t want to end up in a situation where you plan to spend all day there and then the weather takes a turn for the worst. If you are worried about this, we recommend that you do check the weather forecast a few times before you commit to your beach plans. You might also want to check about a few other details as well such as when the tide is going to be in and out. Wind levels are also important as if the wind levels are high then it’s going to mean bigger waves. This is great if you plan on surfing but not the best news if you just want to take a relaxing swim close to the shoreline. 

Check Safety Recommendations


Finally, when you’re hitting the beach, you should make sure that you are checking the safety recommendations of the area. Do think about whether there are lifeguards on duty. There are lots of places that are deemed safe to swim but will not have lifeguards watching over you. If you have children, you might feel more secure knowing that professionals are nearby. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to ensure that you have the best beach vacation. By exploring the right options you can guarantee that you have a great time. 

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