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How to Style Your Hair According to Your Shape Face

The shape of your face can help you dress and style yourself to bring out your best features. Some hairstyles suit other people purely because they have a particular shape of a face. Choosing a new hairstyle means understanding which features to highlight and which to take attention away from.

Everyone in the world has a different shape face, and no two are alike. There is a unique hairstyle just for you that will illuminate your best traits. It doesn’t matter if your face is round, square, heart-shaped, or a diamond; follow this guide to find a style that suits you.

Measure Your Dimensions

If you don’t already know your face shape, you can easily calculate it by measuring the proportions of different facial features. For instance, measure the width of your jawline, cheekbones, and forehead. Compare these dimensions to various online guides to see which shape your face fits with. The shape will even help you determine what frames of sunglasses go well with your face.

Another method is to take a picture of your face and then outline the sides with a pen. You should see a general picture form from the outline. Just be sure that your hair is tied back in the picture so that you can see the exact structure of your jawline all the way to your forehead. You will need to take a few different measurements, such as recording the distance between your eyes, and your eyes in comparison to your lips.

Ask for Professional Advice

Hairstylists are not just trained in giving you the cut and color that you desire. They have worked with thousands of different face shapes and styles and will be better able to tell you what hairstyle will suit you the most. Hairstylists can also help you determine what face shape you have and tell you which facial features you should focus on. Just the shape of your eyes or the size of your nose can have a noticeable difference in the hairstyles that suit you the best.

Check out Zinke Hair Studio for a range of hairstyling services. The studio has plenty of professional and qualified hairstylists who can help you find the best style for your face. Zinke Hair Studio also offers keratin treatments, as well as Brazilian hair straightening. Whether you want a vibrant neon pink or a classic 50s updo, they have a full menu of world-class services available.

Choose Features to Accentuate

Perhaps you want your eyes to pop or your lips to be the most noticeable feature. Different hairstyles can give your face a completely different look depending on what feature you highlight. For example, heart-shaped faces look better with hair cuts that draw attention to the cheekbones and eyes. For this shape, bangs or A-line cuts are the most suitable.

A round face needs a hairstyle that elongates the face from the top. Most round faces look great when the hair is just about the length of your chin, barely touching your shoulders. A diamond-shaped face generally has a slender and sleek-looking cheekbone, so you want to add volume with a chin-length bob cut. The cheekbones are often the most appealing feature on a diamond-shaped face and pulling your hair back into a ponytail can accentuate your thin jawline.

With just a few quick measurements and an outline of your face, you will find that there are specific hairstyles that will suit you better than you could have ever imagined. Your hair is one of the first things that people notice, and you want to always look your best. Take advantage of the specific face shape you have and work with what you were born with.

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