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How Does The Entertainment Industry Make Money?

Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

You may already know how much Justin Bieber’s net worth is and how he made his money, but this isn’t the only way that the entertainment industry makes money. There are tried and true ways for an entertainment franchise to make money. Creating a successful entertainment franchise isn’t easy, whether the creators want to leave an indelible mark on pop culture or just edge a niche market of people who like a certain thing. Even so, there is a way to do it. The ways that entertainment franchises make money are listed below.


When a new show, movie, or another form of entertainment comes out, advertising is likely involved. This can imply both advertising their work and paying people for advertisements. For instance, TV shows usually have commercials where products are advertised to the people who are likely to watch the show.


There can be ads for products in movies. Even a quick glimpse of a Coca-Cola bottle is probably a paid ad. The people who did the work want it to be seen and heard, and they need eyes and ears even before it becomes a franchise. Advertising can help a job in the entertainment industry be a success and make more money.

Syndication / Box Office

The first goal of a movie is to make money at the box office. Even though the movie might make more money in the future, especially if it becomes a cult classic, most of a movie’s success is measured by how well it does at the box office. On the other hand, syndication is what makes a TV show profitable.

A TV show is syndicated when it has set times when it can be shown again. If the show is doing well, there is no reason for the network to take it off the air. If people like the show, the people who make it will make more money over time. This is how many tv shows got to be so crazy popular. Because it ran for a long time, the show became one of the most popular on TV. It is by far the best way for a TV show to make money.


Sponsorship is another way that the entertainment business, its creators, and its actors make money. A company could sponsor the show or movie if the franchise made a deal with them. Individual actors can get paid a lot of money to post on social media.

Every deal is different, but with the right sponsorship, the people in a show can become successful and promote a product at the same time. Sponsorship is a big deal in a world where social media has a lot of power. Sponsorship is a way for people to make money from their entertainment franchise, like when a movie series makes a deal with a certain brand or when an actor gets paid to post about service once.


Also, merchandising is a great way for franchisees to make money. Depending on the show, merchandise can be a very profitable business. Think about how much money has been made from The Office merchandise. Then there’s Harry Potter. Star Wars? All of these franchises are known for selling a lot of products with their brand on them. If you can entertain a lot of people and become well-known for it, you can sell merchandise and make even more money. It is one of the most important ways that TV shows make money.


Lastly, a franchise means that a brand lets other people use their name and look. The franchise gets royalties in return. Like a fast-food chain, entertainment series can let other people use their names and logo. You could make a theme park, a store with goods, entertainment that comes from the theme park, and more. No matter what, entertainment royalties are one of the best ways for a group that makes movies, TV shows, or music to make money.

The entertainment industry makes money in a lot of different ways. It’s all about how well the movie, TV show, song, or book did when it first came out. No matter what the story is about, entertainment franchises can be very popular. It happens slowly, but the people who made it don’t always get all the money. Depending on the franchise, the company that made it could own the rights and make a lot of money by selling merchandise and letting others use the brand. No matter what, the entertainment franchise is a good way to make a lot of money and expand your business.

So How Do Celebrities Get Their Roles? 

Don’t know why the movie used actors from different countries. How do casting directors choose actors? Do they ask the actors, hold auditions, or do famous people come up to them and say, “Hey, I want to play this part”?

Every movie set follows certain rules. Casting directors break up the script, figure out who will play what role, and tell the casting agents about it. Casting agents try to get a possible star interested in the movie. The casting agents have a database of stars’ contact information and send in the stars’ pictures, demo reels, and resumes.

Here are 9 ways that famous people get parts in movies or TV shows:

A Profile 

If a famous person has played similar roles before or is known for doing so, that person has a 90% chance of getting the part. It’s important that the actor has played roles like this before and knows what to do. It’s a good thing if the actor got some attention for that similar role. This gets people talking.


Jim Carrey mostly played comedic roles where he was the main character until he decided to try out different types of roles.

Their Looks 

This sounds funny, but the casting directors often choose an actor who is a perfect fit for the part. This is how a lot of new actors get their start in big movies. The similarities between the character in the movie and the real person are striking, and that can make or break the deal.


A new actor can get roles in movies or TV shows by trying out. If the actor wants to get into movies, he or she has to try out. A-list actors also have to go through the audition process. This happens when a well-known actor or actress wants to play a role they have never done before.

Think about Arnold Schwarzenegger. If he wants to be in a romantic comedy, he will have to try it out.

Having A Part Written For Them 

There have been movies and TV shows written for big names like Christopher Walken or Robert de Niro. Marlyn Monroe was on Arthur Miller’s mind when he wrote The Misfits. In this situation, no other actor could play the part.

The Death Of An Actor 

There are many things that can go wrong, and one of them is that the actor dies. When Aladdin was written, the Genie was made to look like Robin Williams. But by the time the script was written, Robin Williams was dead, so the part went to Will Smith.

It’s A Sequel 

If there is a sequel to a hit movie, you can be sure that the same actor will play the same part. Johnny Depp became an important part of Pirates of the Caribbean, which is why he is the only actor who has played Captain Jack Sparrow.

They Are An Existing Member Of The Team 

This means that the actor also wrote the script, made the movie, or directed it. Most of the time, the writer or producer of a story or movie wants to be the main character. This is because they don’t think anyone else would do the role justice. Rocky is a good example. Sylvester Stallon wrote the story and started acting after that.

A Clash Of Interests 

Sometimes an actor is chosen for a role, but they have to leave later because of something. Most of the time, this happens to female actors. Sometimes, female actors don’t want to do certain roles or scenes because they don’t feel good about them. This gives other people the chance to play the part, and they end up getting it.

Because Controversy Can Be Good 

Some parts are given to actors who are in the news because of something they did. Diane Keaton was chosen to play his wife in The Godfather because she was dating Al Pacino at the time. People find out about these kinds of disagreements. A cast like this has more of an effect on the audience than anything else.

Wrapping Up

Luck is the most important thing of all. Getting a big role is mostly a matter of luck. But the actor’s work, personality, versatility, talent, and availability are also very important. Casting agents look through the celebrity contact database to find roles for actors.


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