Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

Finding Your Christmas Party Confidence

Image by Irina Gromovataya from Pixabay

The season of Christmas parties with family, office parties, festive lunches with friends, and other events is very much upon us. Some people love this party season. They spend all year looking forward to it, and at least a few weeks preparing their skin, shopping for outfits, and planning their look. But it’s not for everyone. If you’d love to enjoy yourself, but find that when the time arrives you feel self-conscious, you struggle to make conversation and you spend the whole event worrying about how you look, who you should be talking to, and maybe even trying to work out how long you need to stay, then these tips could help you to find your confidence and enjoy the party season a little more.

Perfect Your Winter Skincare Routine

At this time of the year, it’s common to have dry, sore skin due to cold weather and harsh winds. Over the holidays, greasy spots and acne can be common too, as we indulge in our favorite Christmas treats and drink more alcohol.

Dry, flaky skin, sore, red patches, and yellow spots won’t ever be good for your self-confidence. So, spend some time adapting your skincare routine for the cold season. Make sure you are hydrating, cleansing, and targeting any problem areas, and try to create a routine filled with natural, kind products, that you can stick to every day.

Take Care of Your Teeth

When it comes to feeling confident about how we look, our smile is a big element. When you feel self-conscious about your smile, you hide it. You cover your mouth when you eat, you try to keep your mouth closed when you laugh, and you hold yourself back. You can sabotage your own enjoyment of an event because you don’t want to enjoy yourself that much that you show it.

Taking care of your teeth is one of the best ways to feel more confident and start smiling naturally, says this dentist in Lexington. Make sure you brush regularly for two minutes, floss after meals and attend regular dental check-ups. If you are worried about overlapping or otherwise misaligned teeth, clear aligners from ALIGNERCO can be an excellent option.

Share Unfiltered Selfies

Do you look at people that share a lot of selfies on social media and wonder how they have the confidence to do it? Well, it’s often the people that have low confidence, and are looking to boost it, that share the selfies. The more often you share a natural, unfiltered picture, the more you’ll get used to it, and the less you’ll worry about your appearance in real life. When we’re unfiltered online, we care less about how we appear in real life. When we filter everything, we become more aware of our perceived faults.

Wear an Outfit That Fits

You’ll always feel more comfortable in an outfit that fits you well and suits your body shape. Instead of trying to squeeze yourself into the size that you want to be, accept and love the body that you’ve got. You’ll look slimmer and feel happier wearing a well-fitting piece.

Wear Something That You Love

You’ll also feel happier and more confident in an outfit that you love. Whether it’s something new, or an old favorite, an outfit that makes you smile will always make you feel more confident, and more likely to approach people. Try to stay away from the latest fads and trends when you shop and focus only on what you like.

Spend Time with Positive People

When you get to the party, seek out the people that make you feel good about yourself. Spend time with people that make you smile, who compliment you, but also the people that are kind, and positive about other people. These are the people that will lift you and help you to feel party confident. If possible, spend time with them before the party, or arrive together to start on the right foot.

Do Some Research

If the rest of the guests are friends, family, and people that you know well, mingling shouldn’t be a problem. However, if it’s a work party, and you aren’t going to know anyone, doing a little research, and learning a bit about the other attendees can make conversation easier and help you to feel more comfortable.

Be Kind

Being kind, paying people compliments, and engaging in positive conversations with people will help you to relax and feel more confident. If you are feeling nervous or unsure of yourself, say something nice to someone else for a little boost.

Remember, finding your Christmas party confidence doesn’t mean that you have to be the loudest, or wear the boldest outfits. If you are a quiet person, you don’t need to force yourself into a different box to enjoy yourself. Instead, focus on being confident in who you are, which will allow you to enjoy the party, spend time with people that you like, and relax without feeling self-conscious. Even if you do it quietly and spend all of your time with your favorite people.

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