Advertisement Specifications

🌟 Pump up Your Band, Brand, or Business with Pump It Up Magazine! 🌟

Make a lasting impression and connect with a global audience passionate about music, wellness, arts, and culture. Secure your ad space now in Pump It Up Magazine – where your brand gets the spotlight it deserves! 🚀✨ Email us at 

Advertisement Categories:

🟢Book Reviews: BOOKS (

🟢 Music Reviews:  MUSIC (

🟢 Interviews: INTERVIEWS (

🟢Fashion: FASHION (

🟢 Beauty: Beauty Tips (

🟢Cinema/TV: Cinema/TV (

🟢Food: Food (

🟢 Wellness: Wellness (

🟢Sport/Fitness: Sport (

🟢Mental Health: Mental Health (

🟢 Real Estates – Home Decor:Real Estates – Home Decor (

🟢Pets: Pets (

🟢 Money tips: Money tips (

🟢Spirituality: Spirituality (

🟢Luxury: Luxury (

Advertisement Specifications:

  1. Full Page Bleed:
    The dimensions for the Full Page Bleed include additional space beyond the trim edge, typically 1/8 inch (0.125 inches) on each side. For example, if the trim size is 8.5 x 11 inches, the Full Page Bleed might be 8.75 x 11.25 inches.
  2. Full Page Trim:
    The Full Page Trim represents the final size of the printed page after trimming. If the specified trim size is 8.5 x 11 inches, then the Full Page Trim size will be 8.5 x 11 inches.
  3. Full Page Live Area:
    The Full Page Live Area designates the safe zone within the trim where essential text and elements should be placed to ensure they are not trimmed off. For instance, if the trim size is 8.5 x 11 inches, the Full Page Live Area might be 8 x 10.5 inches.

Insertion Order and Creative Material Submission:

  1. Insertion Order Submission:
    Advertisers are typically encouraged to submit insertion orders at least 4 to 6 weeks before the publication date.
  2. Creative Material Submission (Camera-Ready Artwork):
    Providing the finalized advertisement artwork, also known as camera-ready creative, often has a similar timeframe. Advertisers are usually asked to submit the creative materials 4 to 6 weeks prior to the publication date.

Editorial Planning and Content Creation:

  • Begins around 1 to 3 months before the publication month.
  • Editors plan the content, assign articles to writers, and start gathering materials.

Article Submission and Editing:

  • Writers submit their articles around 1 month before the publication month.
  • Editing, revisions, and layout planning take place during this time.

Design and Layout:

  • Designers work on the magazine layout in the weeks leading up to the publication month.
  • Camera-ready creatives are prepared during this phase.

Printing and Distribution:

  • Printing usually takes place in the week or two before the publication month.
  • Distribution occurs at the beginning of the publication month.

Online Publication:

  • Digital versions are published shortly after the print release. (between the 10th and 20th of each month)

📧 Contact us to reserve your space – 

Additional Benefits:

  • Free Social Media Posts: For each PRINT ad, enjoy complimentary social media posts across all our platforms.


Radio Commercial Production

  1. Basic Package (30 seconds):
    • Scriptwriting, standard voiceover, background music (if needed), and one round of revisions.
    • Price: $440
  2. Premium Package (60 seconds):
    • Creative scriptwriting, professional voiceover, custom sound effects, background music, and up to two rounds of revisions.
    • Price: $800
  3. Additional Services:
    • Additional revisions beyond the included rounds: $50 per revision.
    • Custom jingle creation: Starting at $350.

Radio Commercial Marketing:

  1. Airtime Rates:
    • Prime Time (6 AM – 10 AM, 4 PM – 7 PM): $260 per 30-second spot.
    • Non-Prime Time: $170 per 30-second spot.
    • Discounts available for bulk purchases (e.g., packages of 10 spots or more).
  2. Promotional Packages:
    • Basic Package: Includes commercial production (30 seconds) and 10 airtime spots per month.
      • Price: $2600 per month.
    • Premium Package: Includes premium commercial production (60 seconds), 15 airtime spots per month, and additional online promotion on the station’s website and social media.
      • Price: $1,700 per month.
  3. Online Promotion Only:
    • Social Media Posts (per post): $80
    • Banner Ad on Station Website (per month): $170
  4. Bundle Discounts:
    • Combine radio airtime with online promotion for a bundled discount.
  5. Long-Term Commitment Discounts:
    • Discounts available for clients committing to a 6-month or 12-month advertising contract.
About Pump It Up Magazine 3122 Articles
Music | Movie | Fashion | Beauty | Fitness | Wellness | Books | Food | Travel & Events | Real Estates | Humanitarian Awareness Magazine based in Los Angeles California Reach for the stars while standing on earth! Pump It Up Magazine is the L.A. colorful, inspiring and vibrant print and online Entertainment, Lifestyle and Awareness magazine founded by Anissa Sutton, showcasing dynamic up-and-coming talent and top tips from around the globe!