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Beauty Tips: How to Soothe and Nourish Your Skin Post-Sun Exposure?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:  

Regarding sun exposure, the after-game matters the most. Summer is when most of us love to get tanned on a beach, wear the most eye-catching shorts, and relish the coconut water beside the beach. Although it’s the ideal time of the year to get that Vitamin D pumping, this post-sun exposure can be detrimental to your skin because sunscreen can’t protect everything! Sun exposure can’t be avoided due to our daily hustles, so this free radical damage can make your skin look dull and dehydrated. With the help of 4 tips, you can soothe and nourish your skin after the sun-exposure quickly. Let’s get started!

  1. Cleanse away dirt, oil, and sweat

One of the most fundamental rules of skincare applies after a day of adventure in the outdoors. After sun exposure, cleansing is the most vital component of your daily skincare habit. Your skin won’t be able to soak up the benefits of the substances in the skincare you apply if you put them on before cleansing off the impurities, sweat, and extra sebum.

You need to cleanse your entire face with a mild face wash or a cleansing lotion depending on your skin texture to unclog the blocked pores. Finally, a cold shower with a mild or hydrating body wash can rejuvenate dull skin. While taking care of post-sun exposed dull skin, don’t forget your hair, which absorbs most UV rays when you’re out. So, consider this shampoo for damaged hair.

  1. Drink galore of water

No wonders here! Water is life, and staying thirsty for longer creates different problems in our bodies. Therefore, drink sufficient water daily with electrolytes, if required, to restore the necessary body fluids, which get drained through sweating.

  1. Give your skin a moisturizing boost

Using a good shower gel to clean off the dirt isn’t enough in the summer! Your skin requires adequate moisturization every day. It means the more your skin gets tanned, the higher it loses hydration!

That’s why you must use a moisturizing lotion for a soothing sensation, along with drinking plenty of water daily. For the rest of your body, apply a light-hydrated body lotion as it gives quick penetration to dry skin, protecting your skin from external dirt element attacks.

  1. Exfoliate your skin

It’s the most essential thing to do after sun exposure as it gives you supple-smooth and dirt-free skin every time. In order to remove the dead skin cells, deep cleanse your pores, and expose healthier skin, you should apply mild exfoliation on your face and neck in combination with a clay mask. But restrict the use of scrubs twice a week and once weekly for face masks.


In addition to the 4 suggestions listed above, keep in mind that minor sunburns can hasten the aging process, while severe sunburns can result in skin cancer. Thus, take careful attention to your skin before and after exposure to sunlight the next time you celebrate the sunshine with your loved ones.




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