The aftermath of the November terrorist attacks against the French people saw the world light up with support and solidarity. #prayforparis sentiment still runs strong weeks later, as citizens of the world react against the senseless violence on exhibition across Europe, America, and the Middle East. While no amount of hope can bring back the 100s lost at the Bataclan concert hall, artists across the world have struck back through their work and brought the world together around symbols of peace and togetherness; most notably the Eiffel Tower peace symbol, now as common a sight on canvas as spray-painted in the streets. We’ve gathered some of the most inspiring drawings, paintings, and Internet artwork created in response to the Paris attacks. In a particularly intriguing comic response, cartoonist Joann Sfar broke the fourth wall of his regular slice-of-life comic Instagram to share his vision of France with his national audience. “I am so sad many English speaking friends did not understand my cartoon. I did not write against your beliefs or against spirituality.” —
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Anissa Sutton, founder of Pump It Up Magazine, is a visionary singer, performer, and industry leader. Through her magazine and KPIU RADIO, she empowers individuals in entertainment, lifestyle, and humanitarian fields by offering resources, advice, and a platform for showcasing talent. Discover how Anissa is helping artists and entrepreneurs reach their full potential with the guidance and support they need to succeed
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