Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

Lady Aneessa presents I Am Woman, A Smooth and Slow R&B jam

“I Am A Woman” is a song recorded by French and American singer Lady Aneessa. She opens up with a somber mood that finds the artist forging to find her own identity with a smooth and slow R&B jam. The song carries with it a subtle appeal that involves one to listen to the record more than once.

There is a slight variation in how her vocals shift in various bars of the song coasting in uncharted territories of losing the audience before reaching the shore. Listening to the song you can estimate the artist is young and still trying to figure out her vocal range that creates a barrier between the singer and the music itself.

Lady Aneessa flourishes in certain parts of the song with the hook being the most obvious keen on making it sound as refined and pristine as possible. The artist is able to lure you into a dreamy state of mind awareness with minimal disturbance to the subconscious.

“I Am A Woman” is a slow paced melancholic ballad that is elegant evoking a sparse account of atmospheric production. She is more forgiving on the track as there is no implication or tendency to over deliver with concise and powerful vocals.

The apparent theme being more prolific it becomes less of an outlier in creating a mood that comes close to infectious. But beneath the heart-melting hooks the artist is able to explore her identity in curating an image that is superficial in emotion being much commendable for an artist whose had four albums out coupled with multiple singles and EP’s.

Lady  Aneessa is a talented musician showing much promise in recording music that is reflective upon hearing and wants to present herself as an endearing artist. Keen on experimenting with a her vocal capabilities will create the desired effect the artist is spiritually searching for in her own music. To be a gifted artist who is able to separate themselves from the chaos around them one has to delve into creating music that is both compelling and dynamic resulting in  a formidable experience.

If she manages to push herself and tap into her vocal line there is no set boundary on what pitch the artist can occupy and feel comfortable at the same time. With over two million streaming plays in the Asian music scene Lady Aneessa demonstrates confidence, able to simultaneously navigate and maneuver the rigid course of making awesome music. “I Am A Woman” is a striking song that is rendered in generous instrumentals that makes it worth a listen.

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