Image By: Sharne T/
A beautiful morning can lead to a magnificent day thanks to the vitamin D you receive from natural light. However, you may not feel sunlight’s positive effects when working out in a gym. Fortunately, fitness centers know that lighting changes how you exercise, so they want to provide you with an enthusiastic experience with the aid of lights.
Quality Lighting Acts as a Mood Booster
Natural light is the ultimate mood booster. However, in an indoor setting like your home gym or a public gym, it can be challenging to replicate the sun’s natural power. We need that extra boost of serotonin to get through a grueling workout.
Exercising in a poorly-lit gym will bring you down a few pegs and could keep you from achieving a personal record. Quality LED illumination ensures you feel good with every step you take and every weight you lift.
Playing With Colors
While potent LED lighting does wonders for your mood, seeing the traditional whitish-yellow hues of your ordinary light bulb or LED panels can eventually have a negative effect. One reason to upgrade your lighting in the gym is you can incorporate multiple colors.
When you need the strength to get through a daunting high-intensity workout, using red or orange to express urgency might be beneficial. On the other hand, red won’t work well for light stretching or yoga sessions. Pink or green would work well for those sessions because they bring calmness. Blue is good for weightlifting because many researchers believe that blue leads to productivity. With LED panels, you can easily change the color of the lighting to match your desired effect.
Circadian Rhythm
Ever since the day you were born, your body’s natural intuition is to go to bed when the sun goes down. While some parents may want to argue that fact because they have a screaming child to deal with at three in the morning, it will work itself out eventually.
Our circadian rhythm reacts to light accordingly, leading many individuals to opt for early morning sessions. If a gym is too dark or there’s no natural light coming in, it can be difficult to push through adversity when your internal clock isn’t in sync. So proper lighting can trigger your circadian rhythm and help you wake up.
Learning how lighting changes the way you exercise may help you understand why you feel sluggish some days and exuberate others. If you’re in the midst of listless days, take note of the lighting in your home or facility because that could be the answer to your problems.