How to successfully submit your music to press

After you create your new hit song or album, you need it to be heard and enjoyed. Almost every independent musician needs to make this their own job (in a countless list of others!). Either you hire a publicist or you continually find new press opportunities and constantly submit your music to them.

We receive countless submissions a day from indie musicians such as yourself. We enjoy going through all of the submissions, however it’s incredibly time consuming and we’ve received a lot of ridiculous submissions that we just can’t take seriously. We wanted to impart our wisdom and opinions your way to help you receive more success when submitting to blogs, magazines and radio throughout the industry.

Must haves when your submitting to press

  • Good music! (High sound quality, unique sound)
  • Good SHORT to the point bio with good grammar, too long and we might stop reading before we hit the point you’re trying to make
  • Links to stream your music on legit & prominent sites
    • Soundcloud, YouTube, your personal website, etc.
  • It’s a numbers game, the more you submit to the higher your odds of acceptance. Keep at it!
  • Find genre/location specific press, when there’s a smaller pool of submissions you have a higher chance of acceptance

To elaborate on these quick and easy tips… one of the most important to us is having a link to a reputable site to quickly stream your music. The end all be all is HOW YOU SOUND. If we can’t quickly have a listen, than what’s the point. So ALWAYS include a link for us to listen to your music. When emailing a specific email address, always include a link (unless asked otherwise) to your new specific release or all your full library of music.

Beyond that, good grammar goes a long way. Be professional, your music is your job and career. If you want us to take you seriously, take yourself seriously. Don’t write in all caps, don’t be cocky and say “I’M #1!”. Yes, be confident, but be real and somewhat modest.

The more opportunities you submit to, the higher your odds of acceptance. We all receive tons of submissions so no matter how great you might be, it just might be hard to get you up. We typically have a list of 100+ already accepted submissions that we’re waiting to get in. Persistence pays off, but be careful not to become spammy. Throwing a tweet or Facebook post to the press you’re submitting to after your submission isn’t a bad idea. Pay a compliment and say you’re looking forward to a response. Just keep finding new sources, keep networking, and keep submitting.


To ensure your success, we can create your professional press release |

Anissa Sutton, founder of Pump It Up Magazine, is a visionary singer, performer, and industry leader. Through her magazine and KPIU RADIO, she empowers individuals in entertainment, lifestyle, and humanitarian fields by offering resources, advice, and a platform for showcasing talent. Discover how Anissa is helping artists and entrepreneurs reach their full potential with the guidance and support they need to succeed