Interview With Dionyza | The Voice Behind Xtina Aguilera, Usher, Babyface, High School Musical and more


How do you find inspiration for original works?

Dionyza : Real life experiences mostly, whether it’s mine or someone I know and other times I’ll find it in something I’ve watched in a movie, or documentary, news, reality tv etc

 You are also a background vocalist for major artists, and TV/Movie, How does your singing process change when the project is requested from you?
Dionyza : I usually do a bit of homework after asking questions about the project and what kind of sound the producers are looking for when it comes to TV/Film work. As far as working with major recording artists, its pretty much the same deal and in addition to that it’s just really getting a vibe going on the artists music and singing it with them or to them and see what they like and go from there.
As far as being a woman of color in music, what has changed and what could be done better? 

Dionyza : What’s changed for me is that more doors are open to signing more women of color to genres of music we didn’t get a lot of opportunities to break into or was extremely difficult to break into like country music for example.  What could be done better?…well that’s a long list of things but to name a couple, more opportunities for indie artists and also that record labels,  major and independent, need more A&R reps willing to take chances on talented original artists instead of looking for the next Beyonce, Rihanna and Justin Timberlake.

Which black women artists inspired you? 

Dionyza : Also a long list. but I’ll name my top inspirations. Whitney Houston, Chaka Khan, The Emotions, Aretha Franklin but my biggest inspirations happen to be black male singers/artists which is Michael Jackson, Prince and the one and only Stevie Wonder being my number one inspiration.

What’s the most embarrassing (or funniest) thing that’s happened to you in front of your bandmates (or on stage)?

Dionyza : Oh man, Tripping down on a few steps of stairs on the way off stage. There was no way to play it off.  Funny AND embarrassing. I still get reminded of it when I run into former band members/background singers lol.

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What’s your biggest professional regret?

Dionyza : Not going to NY to meet with a record executive about a possible recording deal all because of my fear of flying. 
If you were stranded in an island alone, what two albums would you want to be left with ?

Dionyza : Stevie Wonder: Innervisions

Yolanda Adams (One of my favorite Gospel artists): Mountain High…Valley Low – I’d need some spiritual inspiration to get through being stranded lol
Anything you would like your readers to know about your future projects?
Dionyza : That they’re all gonna be hot.
Anissa Sutton, founder of Pump It Up Magazine, is a visionary singer, performer, and industry leader. Through her magazine and KPIU RADIO, she empowers individuals in entertainment, lifestyle, and humanitarian fields by offering resources, advice, and a platform for showcasing talent. Discover how Anissa is helping artists and entrepreneurs reach their full potential with the guidance and support they need to succeed