1. Growing up, how important was music to you? Can you recall the moment when you decided that you wanted to be a musician?
Was it an easy or difficult choice to make? Music was everything. I started playing piano by ear at age 3 and formal piano lessons at age 4. I practiced classical piano for hours every day growing up. Becoming a musician was inevitable. Music will always just pour out of me.

2. How did you come up with the name BERGAMOT ROSE?
I love perfume, and my favorite fragrances contain the top note of bergamot, a sour little orange, and rose. I liked the idea of a little tartness balanced by softness. Furthermore, bergamot essential oil brings in light and radiance, healing the heart – just like music. So, there you are: Bergamot Rose!

3. Let’s talk about your new single “Stubborn Rose.” What was the inspiration for this song? How do you think it compares to anything else that you have put out?
How does it prepare listeners for your forthcoming EP?
Stubborn Rose is surprisingly upbeat, considering I wrote it crying at the cello. The song complains about someone’s heart for being closed and stubborn like a rose that never blooms. This is my first release of original work, so it’s different in genre being more chamber pop/alternative versus world jazz. And, this song is in English versus French.

4. Since the beginning of music, people have turned to it for support and as an escape from their realities. How do you want your music received and appreciated?
I would like my music to connect and uplift. We all experience difficult times, but music frees us to express our truth and to put a good beat on it. I hope listeners will feel something and enjoy the music!
5. If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island forever, what musical item would you take with you and why?
I would need an acoustic piano on this island to play classical music and to create new sounds.

6. Do you have any tour dates you would like to tell our readers about? How will you be spending your spring?
We will be working on our EP that will be released this summer. We will also work on recording the rest of the songs for the album. Meanwhile, I have to hold myself back as new songs emerge, so I can finish this project and plan a tour.
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