Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

How to Feel More Confident and Beautiful at the Beach

Any body is a beach body because your body is on the beach, but that doesn’t mean you are necessarily happy or confident about it. Feeling beautiful is a skill, and it’s one every one of us owes ourselves to feel. Ultimately, how you look doesn’t matter. Beauty comes in many shapes and forms, but it is ultimately kindness. It is looking at something and feeling a softening in your heart.

That is the kind of beauty that everyone needs to strive to achieve. Feeling beautiful means looking at yourself with kindness and love, appreciating the form that lets you live, and building the confidence you need to walk through this world with a bounce in your step.

Confidence is infectious, of course, so you may find you end up turning heads just by loving yourself, and being true to you.

Reaching that stage, of course, takes time. The good news is that it’s not all mental. There are many little tips and tricks that you can use to look, feel, and be more confident and beautiful at the beach. All you need to get started is to follow these steps.

Invest in a Better Swimsuit

How you feel in your swimsuit matters. Now, this means how it actually feels. How the swimsuit sits against your body, if the seams feel too tight or itchy, and if you feel supported – all of these factors are going to play a big part in how you feel at the beach. If you are physically uncomfortable, it’s all too easy to let insecurities fill in the gaps and leach into the rest of your day.

That’s why it’s a great idea to look at ethically made swimsuits that contain Spandex and are designed to be seamless, like the ones available at Carve Designs. Seamless, stretchy, and strong – those are the design choices that can help you keep your breasts well supported while also holding you in place in your midsection and even your bum. Support is like a good hug. You don’t want it to be too tight, but just right.

Get Fashionable About It

Beachwear is so much more than just a swimsuit. Fashion of all sizes can help you express yourself and showcase to the world the type of person that you want to be. Can it be harder to find cute beach cover-ups as a plus-size person? Yes, of course. The fact is that wrap designs are the go-to option for many beach fashion brands. However, it does mean you have more chances to find something comfortable, cute, and stylish.

Love Yourself

The person who should be pepping you up the most is yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself everything that you want to hear. It may sound like a lie at first, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what do you gain by not seeing yourself as one of the most beautiful, wonderful people out there? Talking up yourself means drowning out any negative self-talk.

Make this simple shift, and you may find that you can accept compliments more easily, find yourself more confident, and generally be happier. Getting confident on the beach can be a big ask when you weren’t in the past, so you need to be your biggest cheerleader.

Photo by Julia Volk:

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